We offer gift registries for all occassions, wedding, shower, birthday, Christmas, etc.. We also gift wrap your purchases!
Carrying name brand items such as Pyrex, Rubbermaid, Kitchenaid, Mr. Coffee, Crayola, Sharpie and more.
Canning supplies, crockpots, coffee pots, roaster ovens, bakeware, cutting boards, toaster, griddles, electric skillets, mixers, blenders, juicers, kitchen utensils and more.
Laundry and cleaning supplies, towels, storage containers, paper goods, Shark Vacuums, dust mops, brooms, mops and Swiffer items.
A nice selection of "Splatterware" enamel dishes and cook and bakeware.
Office supplies, copy/printer paper, crayons, paint, sidewalk chalk, etc..
Let us know if there is something we can get for you!

Housewares and Home Goods