Parts and supplies available in stock and by order.
Airgas Dealer - Tanks exchanged here!
Interstate Batteries Dealer and automotive needs such as: battery terminals, wire, splices, fuses & testers.
Motor oil, oil & fuel filters, brake, transmission & power steering fluid, diesel additives & fuel treatments, washer fluid and wiper blades.
Shop supplies: Oil-dri, fuel cans, funnels, brake & carb cleaner, shop towels, brooms, hand cleaner, trashbags, ShopVac, welding rod, marking tools & more...
Chain & Supplies: Chain in 1/4", 5/16", & 3/8" sizes cut to length, clevis & repair pieces.
Farm items: Fence charger repair, fencing repair tools & supplies, tank heaters, chicken wire, fence staples...
Quikrete & basic lumber: 2X4X8' & 10', 2X6X8' & 10', 1"X 2"-4"-6"-8"10" & 12" X 8', treated 4x4x8, 7/16 OSB. Special orders upon request.
If we don't have it in stock, let us know! We are adding to our inventory weekly!

Auto & Farm Supplies